Weather in Vung Tau

When Is The Best Time To Visit Vung Tau City?

Photo @vietfuntravel

If you plan to escape the cold, dark winter, Vung Tau is the perfect destination for that purpose. You also might wonder when it is the best time to visit Vung Tau. Let us say this to calm you: for Vung Tau, any time can be a good time for travel.
Temperatures in Vung Tau can be characterized by the words "romance and tranquility". Vung Tau experiences its best weather from November to April.

When Is Dry Season And Rainy Season In Vung Tau?

Photo @vietnamvisa

However; average temperature is moderate and often hovers in the 25s. Temperature gets colder at night. It tends to get hot around the end of April to June. Travelling in this period and you can experience the unpleasant heat of Vietnam summer.
Rainy season arrives, daily downpours from May through October, most are satisfied with the cooling effects. Dry air will make the trip even more enjoyable - walking or strolling. The coolest weather occurs during December and January.

What To Do In Dry Season And Rainy Season In Vung Tau?

Photo @vneconomictimes

Vung Tau experiences humidity and wind chill contributing to represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person. Wind in Vung Tau is usually calm. The windiest month is March, followed by February and July.
Every month around the year is travel time. Nonetheless, you should avoid stormy seasons (July to September), and peak seasons (summer and Tet holiday) if you do not prefer the crowd. If you don’t mind the crowd you should go in the summer, when tourism activities are their most active. You will enjoy your visit there more if you are able to avoid those periods.

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