Vietnamese Rice Congee/porridge with Ground Beef

Rice porridge is a popular recuperating food in Vietnam.   Try slurping one steaming creamy bowl  rice soup with few Tylenol Flu/cold next time when you or love ones are under weather.   Plain cooked rice porridge can be stored in the fridge a few days.  If you have a large thermos bottle,  add rinsed rice and water in it overnight you will have rice porridge the next morning.

Make 4 medium bowls (1.5 cups/cereal bowls)
1 cup rice
6 cups water
7-8 oz extra-lean ground beef (top sirloin, chuck, etc.)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1½ Tablespoon  fish sauce plus extra to taste
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper and extra to serve
1 small or medium Asian shallot or 1/4 small yellow onion, peeled, finely chopped
1 medium garlic clove, peeled, finely chopped
1 lime, cut into wedges to serve
2 green onion, slice thinly

  1. Make plain rice porridge follow instruction here.
  2. Marinate beef with salt, sugar, fish sauce, pepper, shallot, and garlic.  Set aside or cover and chill in the fridge for later.
  3. Before serving, bring rice soup ( all or partial) to a boil.  Stir often to prevent scorching.  Add a little more water if needed to thin the soup out.  While the rice  is warming up, stir 1-2 tablespoons rice soup or water into beef mixture which help beef separating in rice soup later.  When the rice soup starts to boil, stir in the beef mixture and stir well use chopsticks or a folk to break up large lumps. Turn the heat down to simmer a few minutes until the beef has no raw pink color.  Stir in green onion.  Remove from heat. 
  4.  Ladling rice soup into bowl/s, sprinkle some ground black pepper.  Serve with fish sauce and lime/lemon  wedges on the side.  


  • Soy sauce can be used instead of fish sauce.
  • Ground pork, chicken, turkey can be used here instead of beef.
  • Ground meat can be stir fried in a little oil with finely chopped onion/shallot, garlic before adding to the soup to enhance flavor if use it as breakfast or late night snack.  
  • Shrimps and eggs can be added with beef too.

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